There’s No Better Time to Say THANK YOU

Melissa Whitaker and Missy Johnson
With the holidays upon us and as I wrap-up my fourth year in business, there’s no better time to say “Thank You” to my clients and business partners.
I’m so very fortunate to have both wonderful clients and partners in business and I truly appreciate your business, loyalty and friendship.
THANK YOU, Clients (you know who you are).
I appreciate that you have many choices and that you choose to work with me and MJMeetings. I will never take that for granted. I appreciate our partnership and how we treat each other fairly and with respect. That’s the best way to do business. I appreciate each of your meetings and events and love partnering with you to make them better, year after year.
THANK YOU, Vendor Partners (you know who you are).
I appreciate our professional working relationships. I work hard to ensure I’m being a good and fair partner with you. I appreciate your hard work on behalf of my clients to ensure their meetings and events are booked in the perfect venue, making use of the best-suited technologies, and more.
THANK YOU, Family and Friends (you know who you are).
I appreciate your support and cheerleading my efforts as an entrepreneur. I appreciate your interest in my work and my clients’ missions and the love you share with me as I continue to travel down this road as a small business owner.
THANK YOU, Melissa Whitaker.
My first Lieutenant and extra right-hand. You’re always there to help when I need you and are a trusted resource. You’re happy to help with project work or assist on-site to execute an event. I appreciate your expertise and I trust your every move.
THANK YOU, Mic Johnson.
You’re more than just a business partner. You tackle everything from marketing, business development and bookkeeping with ease. You’re more than just my spouse – you serve as a sounding board, motivator and business acumen educator. I appreciate every little (and big) thing you do to ensure that MJMeetings is a successful enterprise. I couldn’t do this business without your love and support.
More than any other time of year, now is the best time to step back, reflect and share appreciation. I’m so lucky and GRATEFUL to be able to do what I love every day. The icing on the cake is that I get to do it working for myself, at home in a business I built with my spouse. What a wonderful life indeed!
Happy Holidays and best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Great one Missy!!!
Thank you Kristen!!
You have worked hard and should enjoy the successful business you have built. Merry Christmas!
Thank you Geralyn! You are definitely one of the supporters I very much appreciate. XOXXO
Congratulations on four years of building success and here is to many more! Best wishes to you and Mic this holiday season!
Thank you Mike! Much appreciated! Merry Christmas to you!
Happy for your success! Very Well deserved indeed! Merry Christmas to you and “Mictastic”!
Thank you Amy! We love you!